My Reference Sheet.

Oh, hey. Look who it is, it's Lapsical, the SERIOUS ore guy.
Lapsical was created on the very same day as Storeyed in 2021, but back then I pretty much decided to use only Storeyed, but in 2023, I decided to re-introduce Lapsical and completely change his whole appearance.
Anyway, Lapsical is the tallest out of the trio, standing at around 6'2. He's also the second oldest main oc, the oldest one being Radstyn, while also being his older cousin and the older brother of Storeyed.
Lapsical doesn't really have the same type of characteristics as the other ore guys of mine do. Infact, he's quite the opposite. He's generally non-caring for people, always with a blank or mildly angry expression and prefers staying alone at times.
Do gotta mention he's quite strong due to training and taking his anger out on things (people too, but rarely.) But, if he himself thinks you're a cool person OR you deserve to be friends with him, then congrats, you now have Lapsical as your bud.
Appearance wise, he has a total of 6 bits on his face, 3 on the left, one in the middle and 2 to the right. He wears a light jacket with a blue tint only on the torso and back, dark blue pants and black shoes. For weapons, he mostly uses his fists, but he actually has weapons of his own, those being his sickles. The handle painted to look kinda exactly like his jacket.