As of right now, it's not my birthday, but I decided to keep the layout in case people liked it!

! -- For a better mobile experience, please turn on Desktop site on your browser, the site's banner isn't really that big, plus some of the assets and part of the layout aren't compatible with the layout on mobile. -- !

Hello! I'm Storeyed! I'm an italian 14 y/o dumbass with Minecraft ores as OCs! Welcome to my neat little website! It's basically a glorified about me.

In this site, you can find whatever I'm up to, get to know me and my interests, look at my reference sheets so you can draw fanart of me (if you'd like!) and just have a little look around my own place on the internet! There are some secrets scattered around the web, so have fun findin' em!

Almost everything you see here is done by KNIGHTLYBLOOM! And, most of the original sounding music AND the new background are made by noneother than TAQUE! They've both helped me OH so much with the site, so go praise and support them instead for the effort they have put. I did put effort too, but MUCH less.

If you're interested,I got my own button now! (Thank you Knightly for making it!)

If you wanna add me to your own stuff for something, like collecting buttons or just other things, then here you go!

Make sure to host the button on YOUR website instead of hotlinking from mine!