My character's Ref Sheet!

Finally, some OC variety.
Slicko is a slime block that can shapeshift his body in whatever he desires, which means he can become pretty muscular if he wants or "build" some stuff using his own slime. His shapeshifting abilities are quite limited though, as he can't become way too small or way too tall or way too slim or muscular.
He also can't extend his slime arms too much because they'll either just stop extending or his forearms rip themselves off due to the strenght (but luckily he can regrow his limbs or just about everything). I suppose that makes him immortal unless he fully melts, gets evaporated or thrown in boiling hot liquids.
Slicko's 20, 5'5 in his normal form and 6'2 in his fully muscular form and is kind of just a cocky asshole most of the time, but can be chill and less of a dickhead with only a few people.
Appearance wise, he's slime and wears a black-ish tophat with a grey trim, aqua-green fur jacket, jeans with a yellow belt and black shoes. Due to his muscular form, Slicko can fend himself off quite well, so he can win SOME fights.
Character Rep!
What do my OC's think of Slicko?
who is this guy?