My characters' Ref Sheets!
Stoise and Froise!
Assets and some text taken from the Pizza Tower Miraheze Wiki!
fuck fandom.

Uh, oh. Here comes The Stoise...
The Stoise is a Pizza Tower inspired OC (specifically inspired by The Noise) that looks like Storeyed but with an enphasis on the "eyed"
The Stoise was first made by one of my best online friends, TaQue on the 10th of September of 2023 because our brains were rotting on Pizza Tower (and still are) then became an official OC on the 16th of March of 2024 when I adapted the design in a drawing.
Original drawing + my drawing

He's pretty much like The Noise, a short mischievous ore guy who wears a blue jumpsuit and chef hat-shaped mask with a more blocky shape, a blue cape, and white gloves. He has a middle ore bit that acts and is shaped more like a nose and it connects his curly mustache. He never took his mask off (atleast as far as we know), but we can only assume he doesn't have any hair and looks like a regular ore.
The Stoise is also pretty energetic and cocky only occasionally bored when there's no one he can bother. He also has his very own network, S-TV, but unlike NTV, his network doesn't seem to be that successful..
As mentioned before, he wears a blue jumpsuit and chef hat mask, a blue cape and white gloves. But he also has actual eyes, those being blue and a mustache.
About people he can't bother, there is one specific person he CAN and does bother, which is...

Burrino is a Pizza Tower inspired OC made by TaQue, and he's pretty much a Peppinified TaQue.
If you have seen the Stoise's origin image in his section, you have also seen an early version of Burrino (initially called TaQino, whos name would then be slightly changed for another OC of his, you'll see who it is soon.) which was actually just TaQue with Peppino's chef hat but with a darker blue tint and TaQue's signature glasses.
Then on August 4th of 2024, TaQino's name would be changed to Burrino and would be completely redesigned to fit the anxious paisano's looks more.
He was given a red chef hat and tanktop and a black t-shirt, pants, shoes and the same balding fate Peppino and Peppineyed have (I'm just saying, they should really use this character description's sponsor, Keeps or else they'll be completely bald.).
The Stoise ALSO has a doppelgänger, The Froise, more info on him below.
Who is this guy?
The Froise is another Pizza Tower inspired OC, him more specifically being The Doise's equivalent to The Stoise.
He was originally a purposely badly drawn Storeyed made by a guy in my server who wanted to make a webcomic about me and wanting to add a spin to my OC's world on the 12th of October of 2021.
Usually this would be fine if the guy wasn't a fucking asshole. You know who you are. I then grabbed the design and decided to use it for The Stoise's Doise counterpart in that drawing you saw in Stoise's section.
The Froise was originally named Esiots (which is just Stoise's name but backwards) because I didn't have a good name for him until TaQue came up with his now current name, which is based on the 2 initials of the person who made the original design.
As mentioned before, The Froise is purposely drawn badly because that's how he looked like originally, but he also wears Stoise's exact clothes, but the colors are completely inverted except for his gloves and his ore bits and stone color.
He also has heterochromia, just like in Doise's first appearance, one being the same eye color as Stoise and the other still being based on Froise's original appearance.
There's a canonical Peddito counter part for Peppineyed, which is TaGito.

TaGito is a Peddito-inspired OC made by TaQue that is out to haunt and kill The Froise for backstabbing him in the past. He looks just like Burrino (Peppinified TaQue) with empty eye sockets, a blue chef hat and tanktop and a white t-shirt instead of Burrino's red and black outfit. He kills The Froise just like Peddito did with The Doise.
There's not much info about him. Hell, he wasn't even colored in when he was first drawn.
Here's the image anyway.

Character Rep!
What do my OCs think of Stoise and Froise?
who the fuck are these people?
why is the one on the right so badly drawn??