About me, Lapsical.
Hey. I'm Lapsical, a lapislazuli ore (if your little brain couldn't understand it already.) Welcome to the About Me section.
I'm, serious most of the time to say the least, "rude" "evil" and an "asshat", but personally I don't fucking care!
What are your interests?
Pissing off people for fun, lol. I don't EXACTLY know why, but it's just, fun to me, I like getting reactions from people.
Sometimes, if I'm pissed off, I either punch something, or someone(this is very unlikely, but it still happens.) Pfft, anger management classes? What the FUCK are those??? LOL
I don't even draw that much, I ain't really an artist.
Why did you make this site?
I didn't, I stole it off of Storeyed, lol.